My Latest Single: "This Is Me (The Rap Prince)"

"This Is Me (The Rap Prince)"

Sparsh Shah (Purhythm)

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"This Is Me (The Rap Prince)"

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It's lyrical. It's inspiring. It's my life story. It’s a reflection of everything I stand for. It's my introduction and vision statement to the world.

This song IS me, in musical form. But most importantly, this song is the beginning of a new era in my career, hip-hop, and the whole world of music!

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Now, I don't want this song to remain only about me: I want to start a movement with it that encourages EVERYONE to embrace who they are and unleash their fullest potential!📈 So, if you're feeling inspired by "This Is Me (The Rap Prince)" and want to share YOUR awesomeness with the world, feel free to Duet any of the challenges below!👇

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